新关注 > 信息聚合 > 联想与富士通将推迟整合PC业务:正在磋商


Lenovo and Fujitsu will delay the integration of the PC business: under negotiation

2017-03-24 12:05:48来源: TechWeb

凤凰科技讯 据路透社北京时间3月23日报道,日本放送协会(NHK)周四在其网站上称,联想集团和富士通将把整合双方PC业务的计划推迟到下月或者更晚时间。 富士通 NHK称,双方一直在进行深入谈判,...

Phoenix technologies - According to the Reuters news agency reported on March 23, Beijing time, Japan's NHK (NHK) said on its website on Thursday, lenovo group and Fujitsu, the integration of the two sides of the PC business plan will be put off to the next month or more time later. Fujitsu, NHK said the two sides have been in advanced talks,...

标签: PC