新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天猫等卖假酒遭央视曝光


Tmall sold liquor by CCTV exposure

2013-10-15 15:00:01来源: 新浪

信息时报讯 (记者 何秋养 李星慧 黄芳芳) 前日,央视曝出国内包括天猫、京东商城以及酒仙网等电商平台售卖假酒的乱象后,昨晚,京东商城以及天猫方面作出一致的回应:立即将相关产品下架以及加速调查以清退相关商户。截至记者发稿时,记者在京东商城以及天猫等电商页面已经搜索不到“赖茅”等相关产品。...

Information Times News (reporter He Qiuyang Li Xinghui Huang Fangfang) the day before yesterday, CCTV exposed, including Tmall home last night Jingdong mall and winebibber net and electric business platform selling fake chaos, Jingdong mall, and Tmall made consistent response: immediately related products under the frame and the acceleration of the investigation to return related businesses. As of press time, the reporter search in Jingdong mall and Tmall isoelectric page has not "laimao" and other related products. ...

标签: 天猫