新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陈意涵新片中玩裸泳自曝曾失恋尝试真实版


The new Ivy Chen movie playing in the nude has been exposing the real version of

2014-07-31 05:21:54来源: 中国青年网

陈意涵 据香港媒体报道,台湾女星陈意涵曾经凭电影《听说》勇夺台北电影节“最佳女演员”,演技备受肯定。早前她在黄真真执导的新片《闺密》中再有突破性演出,锐意拓展大陆市场。 拒绝用替身 其中...

Ivy Chen according to Hongkong media reports, Taiwan actress Ivy Chen once with the movie "heard" won the Taipei Film Festival "best actress", acting is sure. She had earlier in Huang Zhenzhen's new movie "friend" in another breakthrough performance, to develop the mainland market. Refuse to use avatars which...