新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郭明錤:Note 8将成为三星首款双摄旗舰 配6.4寸屏

郭明錤:Note 8将成为三星首款双摄旗舰 配6.4寸屏

Guo Ming ð « “ creates: Note 8 will be the flagship samsung's first double taken with 6.

2017-04-19 20:27:34来源: 慧聪网

Galaxy S8 据9to5Google北京时间4月19日报道,一向神准的凯基证券分析师郭明錤今天又来搞预测了,不过这次他关注的并非自己熟悉的苹果,而是苹果老对手三星。郭明錤称,今年下半年发布...

Galaxy S8 according to 9 to5google Beijing time on April 19, has always displayed kgi analyst Guo Ming ð « “ creates again today to make predictions, but this time he focused on, not their own familiar with apple, but apple's old adversary Guo Ming ð « “ creates, released in the second half of this year

标签: 三星