新关注 > 信息聚合 > 校园偷拍无法掐断学生手中的烟


In the hands of the smoke candid cannot cut off campus students

2017-03-30 09:42:18来源: 华龙网

学生称德育处就让用这个设备去偷拍学生抽烟 图片来源:华商报 老师指使学生偷拍躲在厕所内抽烟的学生,被拍到抽烟的学生一次罚款500元……近日,榆林华栋中学被指靠处罚学生敛财一事引起社会广泛关注。(...

Moral education in the students said let students use this device to candid photo: smoking Chinese teacher ask the pupils to hide in the toilet, smoking students students was photographed smoking a fine of $500... Recently, the yulin HuaDong middle school students were punished on fundraising widespread social concern is caused. (...