新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百米游泳正式纳入深圳中考体育选考项目


The 100 meter swimming is officially included in the sports examination of Shenzhen mid-term entrance examination.

2017-03-30 01:06:48来源: 新浪

中考体育考试 必考科目: ●200米跑、中长跑(800米(女)和1000米(男)) 选考科目: ●800米跑(女)、1000米跑(男) ●立定跳远 ●一分钟仰卧起坐(女)、引体向上(男) ●投掷实心球 ●一分钟跳绳 ●篮球半场来回运球上篮 ●100...

The required subjects for the exam in the exam: 200 meters running, middle long distance running (800 meters (female) and 1000 meters (male)) the subjects: 800 meters running (female), 1000 meter running (male), standing jump in one minute (female), introduction to upward (male) - throwing solid ball - one minute skipping rope in the half field of basketball Shooting 100...