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Fairy born fashion debut "Zhu Xian 3" new hot

2014-06-04 13:58:29来源: 人民网

导语:3D玄幻巨作《诛仙3·力破千军》已于昨日开启震撼公测!七大革新之举全面袭来,天帝宝库新品也在火爆热卖中!看仙裔萌宝上演华丽时装秀,看黑暗精灵墨马踏破晨光,跃动来袭!新品热销中,心动不如行动! ...

lead: 3D fantasy epic "Zhu Xian 3, breaking force" has been open beta in shock army yesterday! Seven innovation overall hit, the emperor also in hot sale in the treasure house of new products! Look at the fairy born adorable Bao staged gorgeous fashion show, see the dark elves Moma through the morning, beat hit! New product sales, Beckoning than action! ...

标签: 诛仙