新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女星遭男星揩油反应大不同:王璐瑶发飙 陈紫函忍住

女星遭男星揩油反应大不同:王璐瑶发飙 陈紫函忍住

The actress was actor mooch reaction different: Luyao Wang 's Zihan Chen try

2014-06-04 19:42:22来源: 荆楚网

我想提到被男星揩油,陈紫涵可是相当有发言权。王璐瑶有些演员被揩油时因为职业道德,选择忍气吞声,而有些女星则会当场发飙,王璐瑶就是后者,她刚出道时因为男演员乱摸当场与其闹翻。 陈紫函 我想提到...

I want to mention is actor Chen Zihan robbing, but rather have the right to speak. Luyao Wang some actors are freeloaders because occupation morality, choose swallow insult and humiliation silently, and some stars will broke out on the spot, Luyao Wang is the latter, she started out because the actor fell out on the spot and touch. Zihan Chen, I'd like to mention...