新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宁波大榭口岸“双随机”查验模式:随机不随意


"Double random" inspection mode at Daxie port in Ningbo: random and random

2017-01-26 01:17:47来源: 人民网

人民网宁波1月25日电 宁波是浙江省首个外贸总额超千亿美元的城市,已连续三年突破千亿美元大关。在检验检疫监管过程中,如何避免随意执法、任性执法?春节前夕,记者走进宁波大榭口岸,探究检验检疫“双随机一...

People's daily Ningbo, January 25, Ningbo is Ningbo's first foreign trade total of over 100 billion US dollars, which has exceeded 100 billion US dollars for three consecutive years. In the process of inspection and quarantine supervision, how to avoid arbitrary enforcement and willful execution? On the eve of the Spring Festival, the reporter walked into the Ningbo Daxie port to explore the inspection and Quarantine "double random one".