新关注 > 信息聚合 > 恩比德今日缺阵,且不会前往奥兰多_NBA新闻


Grace than today's absence, and will not travel to Orlando _NBA news

2017-02-09 13:46:58来源: 华体网

体育2月9日讯 据《费城问询报》记者Keith Pompey报道,76人中锋乔尔-恩比德将缺席今天球队主场对马刺的比赛,且不会随队前往奥兰多,这意味着他明天继续缺阵。 此前,恩比德因膝盖伤势连续缺...

Sports on February 9, according to the Philadelphia information newspaper reporter Keith Pompey reported that 76 people center Joel - er than DE will miss today's home game against the SAN Antonio spurs team, and not with the team travel to Orlando, this means that he will continue to miss. Previously, than because of a knee injury for lack of...