新关注 > 信息聚合 > “孩子王”茶叔导演冰城版“爸爸去哪儿”8年带领..


"King" of tea uncle director version "where dad" city eight years to lead..

2016-01-30 13:20:58来源: 东北网

生活报1月30日讯 亲,你造吗?电视上的《爸爸去哪儿》每年只播出一季,而冰城版的《爸爸去哪儿》,一年四季都在上演! 1月22日,寒冬的亚布力十分热闹,一群穿着鲜艳滑雪服的孩子,在雪道上俯冲、飞驰...

January 30 - al-hayat pro, you know? "Dad where to go" on television only broadcast a season every year, and version of the city "where dad", all the year round in the stage! On January 22nd, winter yabuli is very lively, a group of children, dressed in bright a suit on the ski slopes subduction, speeding...