新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩片票房:《美队2》席卷 超级英雄登顶

韩片票房:《美队2》席卷 超级英雄登顶

Korean film at the box office: "The U.S. team 2" swept superhero summit

2014-04-02 23:40:51来源: 青岛网络电视台

《美国队长2》席卷韩国超级英雄登顶 《优雅的谎言》降至第三 中国3D动画电影《绿林大冒险》上映 中日合拍动画《藏獒多吉》韩国上映 2014/03/28-2014/03/30(根据周末...

"Captain America 2" swept Korea superhero summit "elegant lies" dropped third Chinese 3D animated film "Greenwood Great Adventure," released in Japanese co-production animation "Dorje Tibetan mastiff," the Korean release 2014/03/28-2014/03/30 (according to the weekend ...