新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄晓明内裤广告秀健硕肌肉 网友吐槽:PS老师太辛苦

黄晓明内裤广告秀健硕肌肉 网友吐槽:PS老师太辛苦

Huang Xiaoming underwear ads show strong muscle netizen Tucao: PS teacher too hard

2014-04-15 20:52:01来源: 荆楚网

黄晓明大露肌肉 中国娱乐网讯 据媒体报道,近日黄晓明拍摄了一组内衣广告,照片中黄晓明大秀结实健硕的肌肉,身材完美夺人眼球。不过照片一出,也引来不少网友的质疑,有网友称图片PS太过,吐槽到:“修图老师辛苦了!估计累哭在自家马桶旁!”

Huang Xiaoming dew muscle China entertainment network according to media reports, recently, Huang Xiaoming took a set of underwear ads, Huang Xiaoming in the big picture show strong muscles, perfect figure seizes the person eyeball. But the photo of a, also attracted many netizens questioned, the netizen says the pictures PS too, vomit tank: "graphic teachers hard! Estimation of tired cry in their own toilet!"

标签: PS