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文颂娴整容失败惨破相 明星整容后遗症爆发变残

Annie Man failed badly disfigured celebrity plastic surgery cosmetic sequelae outbreak becomes disabled

2014-04-04 17:10:13来源: 山东新闻网

港媒微博截图 2012年3月6日20点07分,HKChannel发布微博踢爆于上周五刚刚结婚并宣布怀有三个月身孕的文颂娴,因早年整容失败、脸部留下难掩疮疤,将整形机构及医生告上法庭。 文颂娴...

Hong Kong media microblogging screenshot at 20:07 on March 6, 2012, HKChannel released microblogging blew the whistle on Friday and announced the harbor just married three months pregnant Annie Man, because early cosmetic failed, leaving conceal facial scar, the plastic body and doctors to court. Annie Man ...