新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上海边检民警携手民工子弟共迎六一儿童节


Shanghai border police work together to the children of migrant workers welcome the Children's Day

2014-05-31 23:39:39来源: 海峡之声

上海边检民警携手民工子弟共度六一节 海峡之声上海5月31日讯(记者 程娟娟 通讯员 石超)31日,上海机场边检站七队民警来到上海浦东新区民办皖蓼小学开展“大手拉小手,警心暖童心”活动,与民工子弟...

Shanghai border police together the children of migrant workers to spend Children's Day channel sound Shanghai on May 31st news (reporter Cheng Juanjuan correspondent Shi Chao) 31 days, Shanghai Airport Station team seven police came to Shanghai Pudong New Area private Anhui Polygonum primary school "hand in hand, warm the heart of the police childlike innocence" activities, and the children of migrant workers...