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回忆录:一串糖葫芦交到女友 在游戏厅里打架

Memoirs: a bunch of sugar-coated berry have girlfriend fight in the game hall

2017-01-23 12:20:44来源: 17173

17173 新闻导语 玩家回忆录主要的目的是让玩家展现自己那些年的游戏生涯,通过回忆的方式让更多玩家了解中国游戏,以及发稿者这些年所发生的事情。 想要投稿或者分享回忆的同学可以加入游戏回忆群:24...

17173 news leads memoirs main purpose is to let players demonstrate their those years in the game, through the way of memories for game players to know more about China, and then what happened over the years. Want to contribute and share memories of students can join the game memory group: 24...

标签: 游戏