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Hebe约女旧爱看豪宅 疑旧情复燃有望同居

Hebe about female love watching the house suspected rekindling is expected to cohabitation

2013-10-15 21:23:04来源: 中国青年网

周刊爆料 新浪娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,曾与张惠妹经纪人钟若涵有过一段6年情的Hebe,在与前助理廖慧呈的恋情无疾而终之后,又再度重返钟若涵的身边!台湾某周刊于日前直击Hebe带著旧爱钟若涵相约看亿万豪宅,今年收入粗估可望突破新台币两亿五千万的“黄金剩女”开著车子带著“女友”看房子,看...

weekly makings the Sina entertainment news according to Taiwan media reports, and agent Sherry Zhong Ruohan has had a 6 year love Hebe, after the former assistant Liao Hui is the love died, once again return to the clock if the Han side! Taiwan some weekly recently hit Hebe with love clock if the Han meet see hundreds of millions of luxury, revenue this year is expected to break the rough estimate of NT $two hundred and fifty million "golden 3S lady" drove a car with a "girlfriend" to see the house, see...