新关注 > 信息聚合 > 石家庄客运段团委帮广大单身青年“双十一”脱单


Shijiazhuang passenger traffic section youth corps committee for the single people to a "double" to take off the list

2016-11-13 08:27:30来源: 长城网

11月11日,在石家庄客运段团委的努力下,石家庄地区10家铁路单位、河北医科大学第四附属医院、中国石化石家庄炼化分公司等82名单身青年参加了交友聚会活动。 据悉,现场的单身青年们通过自我介绍、五...

On Nov. 11, passenger traffic section youth corps committee in shijiazhuang, shijiazhuang area 10 railway unit at the fourth affiliated hospital, hebei medical university, such as sinopec shijiazhuang refining branch 82 dating party in single youth activities. It is reported, the scene of the single young people through self-introduction, five...