新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汕头“奖学助教”促教育均衡


Shantou "scholarship ta" to promote balanced education

2018-01-05 05:13:16来源: 网易新闻

本报汕头1月1日电 为破解乡村学校在“教育均衡”中出现的“硬件均衡、软件不足”的问题,近日“华阳潮商教育促进会”在广东省汕头市成立,40多位乡贤首期认捐800多万元。与别的教育扶贫基金不同,该促进...

Our newspaper shantou on January 1 for solving rural schools in "education equilibrium" balanced "hardware, software shortage" problem, recently "HuaYangChao quotient education promotion association" founded in shantou city, guangdong province, more than 40 follow villager first pledging more than 800 ten thousand yuan. Unlike other education poverty alleviation fund, the promotion...