新关注 > 信息聚合 > 24K纯小白幽怨吐槽 剑网3怎么这么难玩呢

24K纯小白幽怨吐槽 剑网3怎么这么难玩呢

24K pure white resentment Tucao sword net 3 how so difficult to play

2015-03-05 15:12:11来源: 游久网

大哥我好歹以前也是各种网游圈子里混出来的 可是这个游戏怎么这么难呢 昨天第一次玩这游戏 然后整整仨小时才到26级 接着悲催的就是不知道去哪做任务 不知道去哪下副本 更悲催的是根本找不到人带有木有 不过还好总算有点挑战性了 还是一步步来吧 这两天先把技能...

brother I managed before but also a variety of online games business mix out but the game how so difficult to do yesterday for the first time to play this game for three hours to get to level 26 and then miserable is to don't know where to do the task does not know to go more miserable even under the copy is simply can not find people with wood but was a bit challenging or do it step by step. This two days get skills...