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神级BOSS登场 问道侠义公测周五开启

God level boss debut asked chivalrous beta Friday opened

2015-09-08 11:22:24来源: 新浪

9月11日,《问道:天书奇谭》全新资料片侠义开测,海量内容重磅更新,全新神级BOSS“傀儡王”、“金角大仙”冲破魔界枷锁、降临人间。全新BOSS堪称BOSS届的王者,它们的到来,势必将拉起一场空前绝后的人魔大战,侠义之战一触即发! 《问道》全新资料片即将开启,全新剧情,海量新玩法都将...

9 11, "asked: Legend of sealed a new piece of information is the chivalrous open test, massive content heavy update, the new God level boss" puppet king "," golden Kok Daisen "break the Makai, Gasol will fall to the earth. New boss called boss session of the king, their arrival, is bound to pull an unprecedented human magic war, chivalrous war imminent! "Asked" the new information is about to open, a new story, massive new play will be...