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Tech talk jean: SONY see Xbox Scorpio crying children

2017-04-09 00:19:54来源: 中关村在线

相信这两天大家一定跟我一样,陷在节后综合征中无法自拔,失眠嗜睡,无心工作。哎!这要我说,哪有啥节后综合征,平时也一样。 另外,再上个10多天班,就迎来五一小长假啦!是不是超有盼头,那还不赶紧工作… 工作!工作!还是工作!,任正非又给华为定下新目标了“要用三年时间,在服务的标准化、服...

Believe you must like me in the past two days, sunk in the post-holiday syndrome, insomnia, lethargy, no mood to work. Ah! This I say, what have what post-holiday syndrome, at ordinary times, too. Additionally, more than 10 days again, just for five small long vacation! Is super there is hope, it doesn't work quickly... Work! Work! Or work! It sets a new target for huawei, ren "to use three years time, in the service standardization, service...

标签: 索尼 Xbox