新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《蜡烛人》登陆国行PS4,“完整旅程版”现已发售


"Candle" on legal channels PS4, journey "full version" is now on sale

2018-01-18 16:16:58来源: 游戏时光

颇受好评的《蜡烛人》已于1月18日登陆国行PS4平台,数字版售价为人民币78元。该版本为游戏的“完整旅程版”,包含全部冒险故事。该作自亮相以来就获得了不错的口碑,玩家需要扮演一支蜡烛,并在黑暗中活用10秒的“自燃光照”来探索出路。《蜡烛人》最早源于Ludum Dare(一个48小时游戏开发的竞赛活动)的参赛项目,它经历了相当长时间的打磨。“完整旅程版”共有12个章节,每个章节有3-5关,总共47关。此外,开发商还请来了Sony/ATV签约作曲家Zeta为作品配乐,游戏音乐有一定的质量保障。尽管操作不难,但游戏设置了相当丰富的谜题,需要耗费一番精力才能通关。针对那些想要挑战极限的玩家,制作组在通...

Acclaimed "candle" has been landed on January 18, legal channels PS4 platform, digital edition is priced at RMB 78. This version for the journey "full version" of the game, contains all adventure stories. Since its appearance should have achieved a good reputation, players need to play a candle, and use 10 seconds in the dark "spontaneous combustion light" to explore the way out. The candle, from the earliest Ludum Dare (48 hours a game development competition) of a project, it has experienced a long time. "Full version" the journey of a total of 12 chapters, each chapter has 3 to 5 levels, a total of 47. In addition, the developers also the Sony/ATV, please sign up for music composer Zeta, game music has the certain quality assurance. Although the operation is easy, but set up quite rich puzzle game, takes some effort to customs clearance. For those who want to challenge the limit of the player, in a production team...

标签: PS PS4