新关注 > 信息聚合 > 画风超可爱的《恶果之地》将于5月4日登陆PC 主机版也在规划中

画风超可爱的《恶果之地》将于5月4日登陆PC 主机版也在规划中

Painting style super cute "bad place" on May 4, log in the PC host version also in the planning

2018-05-03 16:21:13来源: 游戏时光

看完了这个月的《新游月谈》,除了备受瞩目的《黑暗之魂 重制版》和《底特律:成为人类》等大作之外,可能也人注意到了一款由国内开发商制作的游戏《恶果之地》,这款画风可爱的 Roguelike 打水果游戏将在5月4日,也就是明天正式于 Steam 和 WeGame 平台上线。《恶果之地》是一款集动作射击、Roguelike、冒险解谜多种要素的游戏,由宇宙罐制作,心动网络发行。在游戏中,玩家需要控制控制四个身怀绝技的小人,从强大的水果手中拯救生存不易的人类。除了即将上线的 PC 版本,《恶果之地》还将在之后移植登陆 Switch 等平台。同时开发者还表示,在游戏发售后他们还会继续保持游戏内容的更新,加...

Finished watching "XinYou month to talk about" this month, in addition to the high-profile spirit of "the dark heavy plate" and "Detroit: human work, such as may have also noticed a produced by domestic developers of the game" the land of the consequences, "the painting style lovely Roguelike fruit games will be on May 4, which is formally in Steam and WeGame platform online tomorrow. "Bad place" is a collection of shooting, Roguelike adventure puzzle game, various factors produced by the universe cans, cardiac network issue. In the game, players need to control control four special skills, from powerful fruit save to human survival. In addition to the online PC version, the land of the consequences will be in after transplantation landing platform Switch, etc. Developers also said at the same time, they will continue to keep the game after game release content update, add...

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