新关注 > 信息聚合 > 柏林观众鼓掌欢送 诺天王:感谢这场伟大的告别

柏林观众鼓掌欢送 诺天王:感谢这场伟大的告别

Berlin audience applause welcome Nowitzki: thanks for the great farewell

2015-09-11 15:56:01来源: 中国新闻网

中新网9月11日电 据NBA中国官网消息,德克-诺维茨基率领的德国队在主场柏林76-77憾负西班牙,止步欧锦赛小组赛。本场比赛德克拿了10分、7篮板,在最后一分钟还落后7分的时候,他曾命中3分球希望...

China News Network 11, according to NBA China's official website news, Dirk Nowitzki led the German team at home in Berlin 76-77 regrets negative Spain, to stop the euro group match. Dirk took 10 points and 7 rebounds in the game, in the last minute is still backward 7 points, he had hit 3 points...