新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今年葡萄酒大师考试通过人数创历史新高


This year, the wine master examination by the number of a record

2015-09-09 10:23:08来源: 中国新闻网

来自10个不同国家的19人获得了葡萄酒大师称号,加上上半年的5人,今年葡萄酒大师考试通过人数创下了历史新高。 19人中有11名女性和8名男性,其中包括首个新加坡葡萄酒大师,如今拥有该头衔的人数总...

from 10 different countries, 19 people were awarded the title of master of wine, plus the first half of the five people, this year Master of wine examination by the number of a record high. 11 women and 8 men, including the first Singapore wine master, now have the title of the total number of people...

标签: 葡萄酒