新关注 > 信息聚合 > 男排亚锦赛前瞻:中韩争奥预赛门票 伊朗冲3连冠

男排亚锦赛前瞻:中韩争奥预赛门票 伊朗冲3连冠

Men's Volleyball Championships looking: fight Olympic preliminaries tickets between China and Korea, Iran rushed 7 months in 3 consecutive

2015-07-30 00:59:29来源: 搜狐


time of Beijing of 31 to August 8, in 2015 the 18th session of the men's Volleyball Championships in Tehran launched grappling, due to the AVC may according to the world rankings change organizing the preliminary selection of way, once the four selected situation is reduced to a second election, coached by Xie Guochen, Chinese men's volleyball team, we must both in Asian championship tournament to South Korea.