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快速对焦复古微单 富士X-E2仅售5599元

Fast focus retro micro single Fuji X-E2 only for 5599 yuan

2015-08-06 01:58:48来源: IT168

【IT168 什么值得买】富士X-E2是一款外形复古的微单相机,全新的图像传感和图像处理系统,使得该机在拍摄性能上十分优秀。高端品质,全新的成像系统捕捉令人惊叹的影像,自动对焦速度达到0.08秒在同...

IT168 what is worth buying Fuji X-E2 is a micro single camera, a new image sensor and image processing system, so that the machine is very good in shooting performance. High quality, new imaging system to capture stunning images, automatic focus speed of 0.08 seconds in the same...