新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小小朝珠等级森严:清木质玉石朝珠


Small court beads hierarchical: wooden jade qing court beads

2017-02-09 14:11:40来源: 新浪

近年来,清宫剧热播,剧中穿着官服的大臣上朝时通常都会佩戴一串珠子,这串珠子也就是通常所说的朝珠。朝珠是清代独有的朝服上的佩戴珠串,顺治帝后期,朝珠正式作为礼服的配饰进行佩戴。 朝珠多用东珠(珍珠...

In recent years, the qing dynasty palace drama hit, the in vestment minister usually wear when to hold a string of, this string of known as court beads. Court beads is unique to the qing dynasty royal apparel wear beads, late fulin, court beads as formal dress to wear accessories. Court beads multi-purpose eastern pearl (pearl...