新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京未实名电话下月中旬停机


Beijing has not real-name phone down the middle of next month

2016-09-12 11:11:26来源: 中国经济网

北京商报讯(记者 方彬楠 石飞月)在电信诈骗的持续发酵下,日前,北京地区三大通信运营商均表示,在接下来的一段时间将加大实名登记工作力度,对未实名用户发送停机倒计时提醒短信,并对部分用户进行人工外呼提...

Beijing commercial daily news (reporter Fang Binnan Shi Fei) under the continuous fermentation of telecom fraud, a few days ago, Beijing area, three major communication operators said, in the next period of time will increase the intensity of real-name registration work, have not real-name users to send down the countdown reminder text messages, and for part of the user manual to call to ask...