新关注 > 信息聚合 > MacBook Air会有USB-C接口:但不知道时间

MacBook Air会有USB-C接口:但不知道时间

The MacBook Air will have USB - C: but I don't know the time

2016-07-28 02:30:08来源: 中金在线

知名分析师郭明池认为,苹果将会在今年结束之前发布 3 款新的笔记本电脑,其中两款是 13 英寸和 15 英寸的 MacBook Pro,它们也是目前消费者最为期待的苹果笔记本电脑。另外一款则是配置较...

Prominent analysts ming-chi kuo believe that apple will be released before the end of this year, three new laptops, two of them are 13 "and 15" MacBook Pro, they are also at present the consumers expect apple laptop. In addition a criterion is to configure is...

标签: AI