新关注 > 信息聚合 > 巴特勒是乔丹私生子?看完这张图大家都明白了


Butler is Jordan bastard? After watching this picture everyone understand

2017-01-04 13:16:32来源: 华体网

有美国媒体爆料,公牛当家球星巴特勒是乔丹的私生子,起初球迷们都不信。一直到巴特勒各种打破公牛纪录,再加上球迷们把两人的照片合在一起,这时候大家才恍然大悟,这相似度太高了!。 NBA里一直很流行两位...

American media revealed that the bulls star butler is the illegitimate child of Jordan, at first, the fans are not letter. Until all the bulls record butler, coupled with the fans take pictures of two people together, by this time everyone to take a tumble, the similarity is too high! . The NBA has been very popular in the two...