新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从贫民窟的视角看开幕:这里不是现场 胜似现场

从贫民窟的视角看开幕:这里不是现场 胜似现场

From the perspective of the slum opened: there isn't a scene scene

2016-08-07 07:44:55来源: 新浪

新华社里约热内卢8月6日体育专电 记者手记:昨夜,我们钻进里约贫民窟看开幕式 新华社记者刘彬 5日傍晚,在通勤大巴数次迷路后,我们终于抵达万众瞩目的马拉卡纳球场。2小时后,里约奥运会将在此正...

Xinhua Rio DE janeiro on August 6, sports - the reporter's note: last night, we got into the Rio slum watching the opening ceremony Xinhua news agency reporter Liu Bin 5 in the evening, after the commuter bus lost several times, we finally arrived in the highly anticipated the maracana stadium. After 2 hours, Rio DE janeiro Olympic Games will be in this are...