新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郝海东:中伊之战国足要为胸前国旗努力拼搏


Zone: the warring states period of the foot to struggle hard for chest flag

2016-09-06 01:55:20来源: 华体网

体育9月5日讯 近日郝海东接受采访时表达了自己对国足的期许,他表示即将到来的中伊大战会是一场艰苦的比赛,希望国足的队员们能够放下包袱,要努力拼搏对得起胸前的国旗。 对于之前的中韩之战,郝海东表示:...

On September 5, sports news Zone in an interview recently expressed himself to the team's expectations, he said the upcoming war in Iraq would be a tough game, hope that the team's players can put down the burden, to strive hard to live up to his chest of the national flag. For before the war of China and South Korea, zone said:...