新关注 > 信息聚合 > 布克:感觉自己用能力赢得了联盟尊重_NBA新闻


Booker: Feeling like you've earned the respect of the league with your abilities _NBA News

2016-10-11 16:59:31来源: 华体网

体育10月11日讯 据《亚利桑那共和报》报道,年仅19岁的太阳小将德文-布克在接受采访时表示,感觉自己用能力赢得了联盟的尊重。 刚刚在季前赛中砍下34分的德文-布克已经不需要这样的表现来积累自信了...

Sports News Oct. 11 According to the Arizona Republican newspaper, 19-year-old Sun Junior Devon Booker said in an interview that he felt he had won the respect of the league with his ability. Devon Booker, who had just scored 34 points in the preseason, no longer needed such a performance to build confidence.