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花絮|举重队出征里约前啥样 夫妻档好友档哪家强

What before trivia weightlifting to Rio Husband and wife friends which is strong

2016-07-24 01:54:35来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 离别时分,感人的场面从不少见。今天晚上,中国举重队出征里约奥运会,在天坛公寓楼下,这群中国大力士上演了一幕幕或甜蜜或感人的送别场面,让人印象深刻。 怀抱女儿,吕小军脸上满是幸福的神情...

Dispatch of sina sports Departure time, emotional scene never rare. This evening, the Olympic Games, the Chinese weightlifting Rio in the temple of heaven apartment downstairs, this group of Chinese strongman staged scenes or sweet or touching farewell scene, impressive. Embrace the daughter, is full of happiness on xiao-jun face...