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“呼朋唤友 百战成王” 联想Z5助力腾讯微视星联赛启程

"I suffered a king" lenovo Z5 power tencent micro star league start

2018-08-30 00:00:00来源: 人民网

由联想手机独家冠名的2018腾讯微视星联赛近日正式启动。赛事立足全国百所高校以“呼朋唤友、百战成王”为主题,围绕当下最热门的手机游戏开展系列电竞联赛。联想手机作为比赛唯一指定用机,将为参赛选手与战队提供最优秀的电竞体验。 腾讯星联赛正式启动 新战力持续注入 本届腾讯微视星联赛自开赛伊始就自带话题,buff加持,在微博、微信等社交媒体保持着极高的热度。如今,赛事进入到海选阶段,与#腾讯星联赛#相关的话题达到420万+的超高参与量,越来越多电竞小伙伴参与其中,不断呈现精彩赛事。 据介绍,本届大赛共设《王者荣耀》及《 QQ 飞车手游》两个正式比赛项目,以及《绝地求生-刺激战场》和《绝...

By lenovo mobile sole named 2018 tencent micro view star league officially launched recently. Events based on the best national universities to "gather friends, derived into king" as the theme, about the most popular mobile game e-sports league series. Lenovo mobile designated as the only match with machine, will provide the best for contestants and clan e-sports experience. Tencent star league officially launched the new capabilities continue to inject the tencent micro star league since the start they own topic, buff, the blessing in social media such as weibo, micro letter maintained a high fever. Nowadays, competition entered the stage of audition, topics related to # # tencent star league of 4.2 million + high in quantity, more and more e-sports friend involved, continually improving event. According to introducing, the competition for the glory of the king "and" QQ fly driver swim "two official event, as well as survival - the jedi to stimulate the battlefield" and "the unique...

标签: 腾讯