新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏公司签过的对赌协议完成了吗?


Game companies signed bet agreement finished?

2016-01-04 12:12:53来源: 07073游戏网

2013年是移动游戏的爆发年,以这一年为启始,大量资本涌入移动游戏行业,掀起了以A股公司为首的移动游戏公司收并购序幕。 而在2016新年到来之际,一个被人们忽略的问题也正向这些被收并购的游戏企业逼近——当新年钟声敲响,他们该为三年期的对赌协议交答卷了。 这些三年前众人眼中的宠儿,...

Is the outbreak of mobile games in 2013, in the year, for the inception, A lot of capital into the mobile gaming industry, set off A mobile game company headed by a-share companies accept mergers and acquisitions. And the coming year in 2016, a question ignored by people is moving toward these be game enterprise mergers and acquisitions - when the New Year bell sounded, they should be to deliver a three-year spread-betting agreement. These three years ago, the people in the eyes of a darling,...

标签: 游戏