新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英特尔CEO:预计无人驾驶汽车2024年上路


Intel CEO: driverless cars in 2024 is expected to hit the road

2017-03-14 09:57:18来源: DoNews

英特尔CEO科再奇新浪科技讯 北京时间3月14日上午消息,英特尔CEO科再奇(Brian Krzanich)周一对CNBC表示,2023或2024年将会出现无人驾驶汽车,而该公司希望率先影响这一趋势。这还要经历较长时间的发展,但科再奇周一表示,必须现在就开始努力。“汽车厂商现在都在讨论2020和2021年的车型。”他说,“我们需要涉足其中,需要开发这样的平台。”英特尔周一宣布斥资约153亿美元收购Mobileye,该公司可以借此获取后者的计算机视觉技术。科再奇说,Mobileye将为无人驾驶汽车提供“眼睛”,帮助其“看到”世界,而英特尔则会提供“大脑”,用于为汽车规划线路。科再奇表示,将这两项...

Dispatch of sina science and technology Intel CEO family again Beijing time on March 14th morning news, Intel CEO family again, (Brian Krzanich) on Monday to CNBC, 2023 or 2024 will appear driverless cars, and the company hopes to take the lead in the trend. It also experiences the development of a long time, but again, said on Monday that must begin now. "Car manufacturers are now talking about the 2020 and 2021 models." He said, "we need to hand in, need to develop such a platform." Intel announced on Monday for about $15.3 billion acquisition of Mobileye, the company can take advantage of the latter computer vision technology. Said again, Mobileye will provide "eyes" for driverless cars, help them to "see" the world, while Intel will provide the "brain", for car planning route. Said again, the two...