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相爱相杀 雅虎剥离阿里股份

Love to kill Yahoo! Stripped Ali shares

2015-01-30 22:14:47来源: Tech2IPO

雅虎日前宣布将剥离所持有的阿里巴巴集团剩余 15%的股份,将该资产以免税的方式分配给雅虎股东。受此影响,在当天股市盘后交易中,这一硅谷互联网巨头的股价上涨超过 7.5%;而在雅虎公布消息之前,其股份还暴跌了 3%。 雅虎表示完成该交易意味着将诞生「两家独立的公司」:SpinCo 和雅虎...

Yahoo! Has announced that it will hold the remaining 15% stripping Alibaba group shares, the assets to exempt assignment to Yahoo! Shareholders. Affected by this, in the same day the stock market in after hours trading, the Silicon Valley Internet giant's shares rose more than 7.5%; and before the Yahoo! Announcement, its shares also tumbled 3%. Yahoo! Said the completion of the transaction means will be the birth of "two separate companies": SpinCo and Yahoo...