新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一篇文了解全球正在服役的警用机器人


The article to understand the world is police service robot

2016-07-26 10:29:41来源: DoNews

本月初,达拉斯警方用拆弹机器人炸死嫌犯,引起了巨大的争议。不过专家认为,这次机器人杀手只是一次临时客串,自主的杀人机器人投入实战或装备警方还有很长的路要走。下面,我们就来盘点下全球正在服役的警用机器人。1.克利夫兰警察局的 Griffin 克利夫兰警方的这款新的机器人叫 Griffin,由本地社区大学学生建造。只有12英寸高,配备了一个摄像头和照明,警方可以在安全距离范围观察前方情况。这款机器人非常轻便,无需卡车运输到现场,可以迅速部署开来。2.印度防暴乱无人机 去年,印度北方邦地区警察局购买了一套臭鼬(Skunk)无人机,可以向人群喷洒胡椒喷雾剂和彩弹球。该无人机可以盘旋在抗议人群上空,每秒...

Earlier this month, Dallas police suspect could be killed by the bomb disposal robot, has caused great controversy. However, experts say the killer robot is just a temporary guest, autonomous robots to combat or equipment to kill police has a long way to go. Below, we to tally up global serving police robot. 1. Cleveland police Griffin Cleveland police the new robot is called Griffin, built by the local community college students. Only 12 inches high, equipped with a camera and lighting, the police can range from a safe distance road conditions. The robot is very light, no truck transportation to the site, can be rapidly deployed. 2. India riot unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) Last year, India's uttar pradesh police have purchased a Skunk cousin) unmanned aerial vehicle (uav), can be sprayed with pepper spray to the crowd and paintball. The uav can hover over the protesters, per...