新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谷歌修复79个安卓漏洞 超过半数由中国团队发现

谷歌修复79个安卓漏洞 超过半数由中国团队发现

Google to repair 79 android loopholes More than half of China's team found

2017-03-08 10:39:04来源: DoNews


March security bulletins showed that Google android this month to repair 79 security vulnerabilities, including 42 holes is submitted by the Chinese security team found, accounting for more than half. In Google's official thank a loophole in the list, 360 security team submitted 30 android loopholes to get Google to repair this month. Other domestic manufacturers are also on the list, including tencent submitted 6 holes, alibaba submitted to two holes, the ant gold suit filed two holes, baidu submitted a loophole, folk hacking team MS509 submitted a loophole. Vulnerability is the weapon of the online world, if the use will lead to huge risks. In recent years, Google through cooperation with security vendors and independent researchers, "white hat" hackers may be encouraged to their products to submit loopholes, to better protect the safety of the user. From Google published thanks announced in 2015, China's largest security team has always had outstanding contribution, 360 but also to the accumulative mention...

标签: 谷歌 安卓