新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我的世界知名主播籽岷入驻斗鱼 直播首秀吸引众多粉丝

我的世界知名主播籽岷入驻斗鱼 直播首秀吸引众多粉丝

I presented the seeds he moves in bettas are world famous Live debut attract many fans

2018-09-03 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2018年被称为电竞元年,吃鸡类游戏大火的同时沙盒类游戏也不甘示弱,用它独特的魅力吸引了一大批玩家,玩家们用自己的双手去创造出属于自己的家 园自有一番乐趣。自从沙盒类游戏大火后,一大批的大神玩家崛起,超人气视频作者《我的世界》籽岷更是大神玩家队伍中的超级大神。不仅如此,籽岷作为《我的世界》知名解说主播在各大视频播放平台内有着自己的一席之地,是优酷里最著名的游戏解说,如今的他更成为了斗鱼直播平台内的我的世界知名人气主播。 最近作为超人气主播的籽岷在微博上正式宣布了要入驻斗鱼直播的消息,人气一向很高的他在8月31当晚的直播首秀中直播间人数也一下子达到了新高度,众多粉丝与水友都来斗鱼直播欢迎...

In 2018 known as the first year of e-sports, eat chicken game fire sandbox games at the same time also not to be outdone, with its unique charm to attract a large number of players, players with their own hands to create their own house The garden has its own fun. Since the sandbox games after the fire, a large number of rise of the great god of the player, the wildly popular video author of "my world" seed super great god he is a great god players on the team. Not only that, seed he famous commentary as "my world" anchor within each big video playback platform has its own place, is the most famous game in the youku, now he has become live platform selectively popularity within my world famous anchor. Recently as superman gas anchor seed he officially announced to be in weibo in broadcast news, selectively sentiment has been very high in August 31 night live debut in studio also suddenly reached a new height, many fans and friends and water have to live bettas are welcome...