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《星际传奇》海量福利精彩继续 二测火热开启 !

"Star legend" massive benefits to two wonderful hot open test!

2015-04-14 19:20:54来源: 4399

次时代手游大作《星际传奇》四月再掀全民冒险热潮,海量活动限时闪现,开启银河决战最新篇章。《星际传奇》二测火热开启,官方也带来了海量好礼活动,赶紧跟着小编一起来看看吧! 4月15日至4月18日活动期间,每日挑选产出变异同盟英雄的精英副本,DNA产出翻倍。4月15日甲壳人,4月16日羊角,...

times Mobile Games masterpiece "legend" in April and then lift the interstellar adventure activities through mass upsurge, time limit, the Milky Way battle opened the latest chapter. "Star legend" two hot open, the official also brought massive gifts activities, hurriedly follow Xiaobian together have a look! During the period from April 15th to April 18th, copies of the daily output variation of selected elite League Heroes, DNA output doubled. In April 15th April 16th a carapace,...

标签: 星际传奇