新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《战场女武神4》Switch版确定有中文 但可能只推出实体版

《战场女武神4》Switch版确定有中文 但可能只推出实体版

The Switch version of the battleground female deity 4 is confirmed in Chinese but may only be introduced in the physical version

2018-01-30 11:43:47来源: 游戏时光

台北电玩展期间,《战场女武神4》制作人三神桂也来到现场为游戏进行宣传,并公布了游戏的 PS4 中文版实机演示。而在活动后的采访环节中,制作人确认了游戏的多个细节,下面是访谈重点的整理:● 《战场女武神4》 Switch 版确定支持中文。●游戏开发时 Switch 还未公布,他们仅考虑了 PS4,所以这个平台是在游戏中期才考虑追加的。因为要针对它的机能进行各种调试,所以发售日拖到了2018年夏季。●《战场女武神4》 肯定会推出 Switch 中文实体版,但中文数字版遇到一些问题,现在还在商讨是否推出以及如何解决。●本作与初代《战场女武神》故事线重叠,但覆盖的时间线更广。同时本作还补完了之前只在设...

During the Taipei game show, "Valkyria chronicles 4" producer of the Guangxi also came to the scene of publicity for the game, and released the PS4 version of the real machine demo game Chinese. In the interview session after the event, the producer confirmed the details of the game. The following is the interview focal point: Switch is the 4 version of the battlefield. When the game is developed, Switch has not been published yet, and they only consider PS4, so the platform is considered append in the middle of the game. The sale day was dragged to the summer of 2018, as it was to be debugged for its functions. The battlefield Chinese martial arts God 4 will definitely launch the Switch Chinese entity version, but the Chinese digital version has some problems and is still discussing whether to launch and how to solve it. The overlap - with original "Valkyria Chronicles" story line, but the time line of the wider coverage. At the same time before this also finished only in...

标签: Switch