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《俄罗斯方块99》2.0版本今日上线 本地联机功能来了

The 2.0 version of Tetris 99 comes online today with local online functions.

2019-09-05 06:52:23来源: 游戏时光


At today's Nintendo face-to-face meeting, Tetris 99 confirmed that it will update version 2.0 on September 5, adding a new model "Invictus" (the Japanese version is called "VIP room"), daily tasks, and a large number of new themes. "Invictus" mode will only be open to players who have won the first place in the normal mode. You can see what kind of "bloody storm" the game will be in this mode. The completion of daily tasks will give players a certain number of points to unlock many new themes. Meanwhile, the game's second paid DLC has announced that it will be launched on September 5. The DLC will support local cooperative warfare, allowing players to share Joy-con with another player to participate in a game, in addition to including up to eight local online arena modes.