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《正当防卫3》地图公布 400平方英里超大世界

The justifiable defense 3 large world map published 400 square miles

2015-11-26 17:18:05来源: 新浪

眼看《正当防卫3》就要在12月1日正式发售了,官方终于也公布了本作的世界地图。《正当防卫3》的世界将有400平方英里。 首先要说明的是,由于游戏的地图实在过于巨大,所以不可能仅仅用一张游戏截图来说明。仅仅能用游戏截图来展示游戏的一部分地图。下图中是一张游戏截图,和主角所对应的地图位置...

See "justifiable defence 3" will be officially launched on December 1, officials has also unveiled this map of the world. "Justifiable defence 3" of the world will have 400 square miles. First, as a result of the game map is too large, it is not possible using only a screenshots to illustrate. Can only use screenshots to show part of the game map. Is a game in this screenshot, position and leading role of the map...