新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《超级机器人大战T》将推出收费DLC 可继承存档

《超级机器人大战T》将推出收费DLC 可继承存档

Super Robot Warfare T will introduce chargeable DLC inheritable archives

2019-06-21 12:18:05来源: 游戏时光

万代南梦宫宣布,今年3月发售的PS4/Switch游戏《超级机器人大战T》将会在6月27日迎来最新付费DLC“Expansion Pack”。该DLC的内容将会设定在《超级机器人大战T》故事发生后的几个月,在战争结束,充满着和平的世界里,全新的黑暗势力又开始萌芽。该DLC总共包含14话的内容,如果加上分支则有20话。并且在DLC中,玩家可以继承之前最终话通关后的角色机体强度以及零件、技能以及资金等强化内容,但不包含之前获得的SR点数以及回合数。除了继承内容,玩家还将在DLC中见识到《超级机器人大战X》和《超级机器人大战V》中的原创机体参战,不同于之前《超级机器人大战T》的隐藏剧情中仅仅参战一个...

Wandai Nanmeng Palace announced that the PS4/Switch game "Super Robot War T" released in March this year will usher in the latest paid DLC "Expansion Pack" on June 27. The content of the DLC will be set a few months after the Super Robot War T story, and in the end of the war and a world full of peace, new dark forces are beginning to sprout again. The DLC contains a total of 14 words, and 20 words if branching is added. And in DLC, players can inherit the strengthened content of the character body strength and parts, skills and funds after the final call, but do not include the SR points and rounds obtained before. In addition to inheriting content, players will also see in the DLC "Super Robot Warfare X" and "Super Robot Warfare V" in the original body to fight, unlike the previous "Super Robot Warfare T" in the hidden scenario of only one battle.