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致命格斗怎么得高分 三星高分通关攻略

How to score high score of Mortal Kombat Samsung clearance Raiders

2015-05-10 17:13:07来源: 4399

想挑战下你的观察能力和手速反应力吗?那就来挑战下致命格斗这款游戏吧!诶?拿不到三星?得不到高分?没关系,4399挽歌为你配上致命格斗三星高分通关攻略,助你快速三星通关~ №.1 三星高分通关原理 获得三星的条件,主要在于气血的剩余量、分数的获得与MISS数量,只要尽量保持这三个条件的...

want to challenge your ability to observe and hand speed reaction force? Then under the challenge of deadly fighting game! Ah? Get the Samsung? Can't get high marks? Never mind, the 4399 elegy for you with Mortal Kombat Samsung high clearance Raiders, to help you quickly Samsung.1 Samsung high clearance clearance ~ no principle to obtain Samsung conditions, mainly in residual fraction, blood and MISS number, as long as possible to keep the three conditions...

标签: 三星