新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国好声音第四季修儿选的导师是谁


China good voice in the fourth quarter fix son chosen mentor is who

2015-08-15 11:35:05来源: 西安文明网

沙哑的嗓音、天马行空的唱法,在8月14日晚中国好声音第四季的复活赛上,25岁的乐队主唱修儿以一首改编的《张三的歌》赢得了汪峰峰暴战队战队的最后一个席位!汪峰很是认可修儿的个性:“桀骜不驯,一张嘴我基本就认出是你,你很独特。” 修儿个人资料 姓名:修儿 微博:@修与莫妮卡 http:...

hoarse voice, a powerful and unconstrained style singing, on the evening of August 14, the voice of China in the fourth quarter of the Easter season, 25-year-old frontman fix son to a first adaptation of the Zhang San's song "won the Wang Fengfeng violent warfare team team at the end of a seat! Wang Feng is recognized fixed son personality: "I have a mouth wild and intractable, basically recognize you, you are unique." Repair of personal information name: repair of children's Micro Bo: @ repair and Monica http...